Why every student should consider studying abroad

When we think of studying abroad, what comes to our minds first is – oh that’s going to be really expensive, and there are enough good institutions at less than half the cost in India, why should I go abroad?

Agreed, it’s expensive, but have you considered if it is worth investing in?

With ever increasing competition in the Indian education market, even 90%+ marks don’t get you a place in the top institutions which have limited seats. Many new private institutions have sprung up in India but they too charge you a hefty fee. If by spending a little more, you can study abroad and gain additional benefits of learning to communicate with different cultures, cultivate a culture of openness, acquire ability to overcome challenges in a new environment and developing a greater understanding of the world, why not?

Businesses today are looking for individuals with such traits when hiring and this will only become more and more important. Preference is for someone who has had some global engagement and can work in India and abroad with equal ease.

Surveys show that although fresh graduates with foreign degrees do not command much higher salaries than their counterparts with Indian degrees at the entry level, they are able to get 35 percent to 40 percent higher salaries with faster promotions as their careers progress. India being the fastest growing large economy in the world, seems to offer good jobs opportunities for Indian graduates.

Unconventional methods of teaching help develop independent and critical thinking and problem solving skills. A must for any job today.

Up-to-date programs and curriculums which are developed according to the industry demand give you flexibility and you are job-ready at the time you graduate.

When you travel to different countries, your worldview changes. You have the opportunity to network and develop global connections which lead to possibilities of jobs abroad. Many countries offer post study work permit, making it easier to procure jobs.

With easy bank education loans, university scholarships and opportunities to work part time while studying, the cost of education has become manageable.

Why not distinguish yourself from others and make an investment in yourself to live a quality life in the future?