When Udita first contacted us in 2014, she had already finished a BA LLB from Calcutta University and was working as a lawyer for two years. Considering her interests and career plans, especially her wish to work in the field of human rights, we decided that a master’s in International Relations at the University of Surrey would be the best choice for her. After finishing her studies she first became an author for Feminism in India (https://feminisminindia.com/author/uditac/) before joining Partners for Law in Development (https://pldindia.org/) as Communications and Knowledge Officer. PLD is a legal resource group pursuing the realisation of social justice and equality for women. The NGO works in contexts of marginalisation shaped by gender, sexuality, caste, culture and poverty, to take into account the intersecting systems of oppression that diminish recognition and access to rights.
Being global citizens, we believe, means that one should try to make our world a better place. That’s why it is encouraging to see our former students not only being committed to their careers, but working for the greater good.